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Selectmen's Minutes 2013/05/06

7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, May 6, 2013

Present: Fred Gallup Chairman, Suzanne Gottling, Shane Hastings, Joshua Trow and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager.
Absent: Emma Smith Vice Chairman
Also Present: See Sign-in Sheet

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM

Review of Items for Signature:
Parcel ID: 0127-0036-0002 34 Overlook @ Indian Cave, Mary Schultz
Parcel ID: 0146-0012-0000 21 Turtleback Rd., Kevin & Sioban Yorgensen
Parcel ID: 0104-0056-0000 50 Oak Ridge Rd., Kurt & Carol France
Parcel ID: 0104-0081-0000 1005 Lake Ave., Sheila Armen & Shelly Yusko
Parcel ID: 0235-0019-0000 19 Water Lot Rd, Joseph & Andrea Killory
By Selectman Gottling and Selectman Hastings, unanimous.
Land Disturbance:
Parcel ID: 0121-0005-0000 82 Woodland Rd., Don & Marcia Blenko
By Selectman Trow and Selectman Hastings , unanimous.
Demo Permits:
Parcel ID: 0122-0015-0000 242 Garnet Hill Rd., Camp David, LLC
Parcel ID: 0121-0005-0000  82 Woodland Rd, Don & Marcia Blenko
By Selectman Trow and Selectman Hastings, unanimous.
Sign Permit:
Parcel ID: 0132-0034-0001 477 Route 11, Lois Gould
By Selectman Gottling and Selectman Trow, unanimous.
Yield Tax and Timber Tax:
Parcel ID: 0133-0107-0000 33 Maple St, Prospect Hill Construction, LLC
By Selectman Hastings and Selectman Gottling, unanimous.
Property Tax Abatement:
Parcel ID: 0106-0017-0004 GMBC Lake Ave, TAM Development Corp
By Selectman Trow and Selectman Hastings, unanimous.

Adam Ricker from the Upper Valley Regional Planning Commission.  A river assessment is going to be done on the Sugar River Watershed.  Mr. Ricker came to notify the Board before the residents receive a letter telling them about the assessment.  A private contracting company, VHB, will be doing the assessment.  The assessment will be done by VHB walking the riverbeds to be able to assess possible erosion or flooding concerns.  This information will be used in turn to update each town's Hazard Mitigation Plan.  Residents will be receiving a letter informing them of a public meeting to be held in Newport at the Senior Center on May 30th.  The contractor will be attending that meeting along with a member from Department of Environmental Services, (DES).  
•Chairman Gallup asked if it was only in the section indicated on the map.  Mr. Ricker replied yes.
•Donna Nashawaty asked what percentage they felt that they would get from public involvement, meaning property owners.  Mr. Ricker stated it was hard to know but he hoped that at least 30% of residents come to the meeting.
•Chairman Gallup asked for clarification as to what the VHB and the Regional Planning  Commission would be assessing  Mr. Ricker stated they would be looking at the make-up of the riverbed, especially fast water areas where erosion can happen because there is no way the water can naturally slow itself down which can then lead to flooding.
•Scott Hazelton asked what part of DES, the Regional Planning Commission is working with and what the ultimate goal of this project is.  Mr. Ricker replied that the data in the Hazard Mitigation Plan for updates.  This study will be in there to help with the grants for the Mitigation efforts.
Donna Nashawaty asked who is funding this project and Mr. Ricker stated it is the New Hampshire DES.

Public Comments:
Anne Nilsen asked if someone could explain what the Yield Tax and Timber Tax are.  Chairman Gallup explained that they are taxes that are paid after someone has cut on their property after filling out Intent to Cut.  Once the project is complete they come back with the actual amount taken off the land and are required to pay a tax on the amount of board feet of trees cut. Donna Nashawaty stated that ultimately if it is not paid the tax is put against the land as a lien so that it can always be collected one way or another.
•John Augustine wanted to state for the record that there was a Harbor House Livery meeting two weeks ago and no Selectman attended.  There is another meeting scheduled for May 14th and he asks that one of the Selectman attend.

Selectmen Action
        •Assistant Treasurer, Town of Sunapee, Billie Barry A motion was made by Selectman Gottling to accept Billie Barry as the Assistant Treasurer, Seconded by Selectman Hastings, unanimous.
        •Abbott Library Alternate, John T (Tom) Mickle By Selectman Hastings and Selectman Trow, unanimous.
Use of Facilities:
        •Wedding at Dewey Beach, Seaver, June 9th By Selectman Gottling and Selectman Trow, unanimous.
        •Sailing Meeting @ Safety Services, LSCF, June 15th  By Selectman Trow and Selectman Hastings, unanimous.
        • Lake-A-Thon, Sunapee Harbor, Elkins Fish and Game Club, June 30th
              Rain Date 14th as alternate date. By Selectman Hastings and Selectman Trow, unanimous.
First Issue Tax Warrant A motion was made to issue the tax warrant by Selectman Gottling and Selectman Trow, unanimous.
Bank Modifications: Current Loans with Lake Sunapee Bank
        Safety Service Building (9 years left) is currently at a rate of 3.97% and will change to 2.60%.  Donna Nashawaty stated that it would save us over $93,000 over the life of the loan.
        Lake Avenue Water Project is currently at 4.25% and this note will change it to 2.60%.
Selectman Gottling made a motion to accept and approve the new interest rates as
read by Chairman Gallup and seconded by Selectman Hastings, unanimous.
Warden Appointments:
        Chief Ruggles has recommended Corey Oxland and John Galloway to be Deputy Fire Wardens.
        A motion was made by Selectman Trow to authorize the Chairman to sign the appointment forms for Cory Oxland and John Galloway as Deputy Fire Wardens seconded by Selectman Hastings, unanimous.
Chairman’s Report
•Selectman Gottling updated the Board on the County and where they are in the budget process. The Commissioners should have approved and finalized the budget.  The MS 46 will probably be signed on May 10th with a tentative public hearing date of May 23rd that will take place in either Newport or Claremont.  The Finance committee had a meeting today to discuss the plan of what they will be doing.  The Finance committee will be meeting on Friday May 10th at 10:30AM and at 11:00AM. Mr. Cunningham the Superintendent of Corrections will be doing a presentation and then the Finance Committee will be reviewing his portion of the budget.  If there are further questions or concerns, people can contact Selectman Gottling.  The Commissioner’s budget includes a a raise in the county taxes that is under a 3%.
•John Augustine asked if it is a 3% increase in the dollar amount or in the tax rate.  Selectman Gottling stated it was a less than 3% increase in the budget.  Donna Nashawaty stated that the tax rate is not spread out to all the communities in Sullivan County until you get an overall equalization ratio and a grossed equalized value together based on the payments lieu taxes of properties, and a whole lot of other things.  The Department of Revenue Administration takes all of that information into consideration and then figures out what percentage of the overall to be raised by taxes by each town in the Sullivan County.  It is uncertain what the amount will be to each town until the table is received by the Department of Revenue.  John Augustine asked when that table is usually put out.  Donna Nashawaty stated that it usually was released in June. John Augustine asked if it is reflected in the bill due July 1st. Donna Nashawaty stated no, the property tax due July 1st is one-half of last year’s tax rate.  
Selectman Gottling stated that the County Commission aim to have it done by June 30th, which is the end of the fiscal year, however they can go all the way into September.  Though the Commission tries very hard not to due to having to retro everything.  Chairman Gallup stated that we do not actually receive our bill until November.  Donna Nashawaty stated that the tax rate setting time is November.
•Chairman Gallup stated that he received a notice from George Bald.  He is the Current Director of Local Government Center and they are reorganizing.  Donna Nashawaty explained that New Hampshire Municipal Association broke away from the Local Government Center.  When Mr. Bald replies he is referring to “Local Government Center Property Liability Trust” and “Local Government Center Health Trust.”

Town Manager Reports
•Loan for the library:
The closing date was April 30th  for the banks to send in their offers for the Library.  Donna Nashawaty’s recommendation to Board would be Lake Sunapee Bank.  The banks are very interested in a tri-party agreement to make the Town, the Abbott Library and the Abbott Library Foundation all in a legal document to cover everybody.  This would Ensure that any monies that were spent were for the library and everybody knew what was spent where.  There has been a group put together with members of the Library Foundation, Trustees, Library Director, Donna Nashawaty and Lynne Wiggins where it was determined which pieces each section would be responsible for.  After this meeting, there are still pieces of this project that are currently unfunded.  The Library groups are hopeful that all the money will be in place by the August 1st deadline for the banks.  If this date passes, and the funding is not there, then the Board would have to go back to the banks again.  Things are still in a state of flux right now. Mindy Flater asked Donna Nashawaty if the banks understand that the $1,325,000 is not cash on hand.  Donna Nashawaty stated that the banks did not know that.  The original solicitation stated that it was secured. Donna Nashawaty stated that they would know when she calls all the banks to let them know if they were chosen or not.  Mindy Flater wanted to know if they would change their interest rates.  Donna Nashawaty stated that they could but  interest rates are stable for six months so they should vary by small amounts.  Selectman Gottling asked for clarification regarding the  $1,325,000 that is not secured and if it is in pledges that are multi- year.  Donna Nashawaty stated that is not correct and that they still have 300,000 to the 400,000 to raise.  
•Highway Director:
•Donna Nashawaty introduced Scott Hazelton to the public.  Scott Hazelton is the new Highway Director who has been on board for a little over a week.
•Scott Hazelton went over the different types of pavement problems that can occur and explained each one in depth.  (Please see attached proposal for more information). John Augustine wanted to know if these roads are existing paved roads that will be repaved or if any of them are gravel roads.  Scott Hazelton stated that these were existing paved roads.  John Augustine asked if all the dirt and gravel roads would be paved in the next ten years.  Chairman Gallup stated that is not necessarily true, as there are some roads that will remain dirt/gravel and there are others that may eventually need to be changed to pavement due to the amount of traffic.  This all needs to be studied and looked at over time.  Scott Hazelton stated that he had just begun to look at gravel and dirt roads and it would take further analysis before he could or would make any decisions.  
•Starting Tuesday, May 7th River Road will be closed for the beginning construction of the bridge.  The Road will be closed for approximately two weeks.  Mindy Flater wanted to know if there was a specific day that the bridge would be swung into place.   Scott Hazelton stated he did not know yet but would post it on the Town website.
Tax Deed:
Donna Nashwaty stated that there were four properties taken by Tax Deed.  One is on
Burma Road, the second one is on 638 Rt. 103, the third is 110 Winn Hill Road and the
fourth one is located across from Pizza Market which is located on Route 11.  There are
two that are occupied.
Workplace Violence Training will occur on May 30th . Some members of the Town will
be attending the one in Newbury at the Town Offices and others will attend the one at the
Sunapee Safety Complex.  

Donna Nashawaty reminded everyone of Tony Bergeron’s Open House On May 16th
from 2:00PM to 6:00PM at the Highway Garage and next Friday May 17th  at 6:00PM is
Tony’s Retirement Party at The Newport Golf Club Outdoor Pavilion.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:17PM
Submitted by,
Heather Weir                    


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Emma Smith, Vice Chairman

_________________________               _____________________________
Shane Hastings                                  Suzanne H. Gottling

_________________________               _____________________________
Joshua Trow